Our Work

what we are doing

Week 1

19/02/2024 - 23/02/2024
  • First meeting to exchange ideas between us and the coordinator (Tuesday);  
  • Additional review and slight Website corrections;
  • Presence in the first seminar named "How to Start Smart" presented by Nuno Sobrinho;

Week 2

26/02/2024 - 01/03/2024
  • Launched the Website;
  • Discussed the list of materials needed for the project and sent it to the scientific advisor, waiting for approval;

Week 3

4/03/2024 - 8/03/2024
  • Second meeting with the coordinator (Wednesday) where we discussed the list of materials that we sent and he aproved  ;  
  • First emails released to some companies related to robotics and automation, one of them a company located in Leiria named Tecofix which was where a member of the project worked last summer;
  • Presence in the second seminar organized to all of students of the project course named: "The Power of Teamwork" presented by Sebastião Beirão;

Week 4

11/03/2024 - 15/03/2024
  • First steps of arduino programming with the help of several Youtube videos and websites research;
  • Install and adaptation of the arduino software;
  • Research about Cirkit software, a software we choose to use to make a sketch of the eletrical circuit;
  • Research about Thinkercad software, which is a software that we are going to use to programme the arduino and also make simulations of the circuit;

Week 5

18/03/2024 - 22/03/2024
  • Presence in the third seminar named "The art of Prototyping" presented by Alexandre Silva and Nuno Ferreira;  

Week 6

25/03/2024 - 29/03/2024
  • Last meeting with the coordinator (Wednesday) before the mid-program presentation where he gave us some tips about that;  
  • Drawing and elaboration the eletrical circuit of our project with the Cirkit software;
  • Realized a final blocks diagram of our project to improve the overall interpretation and implementation of what we want to do ;

Week 9

15/04/2024 - 19/04/2024
  • Presentation of the "ElectroCap mid-program pitch deck", in which we talk about the present solution development status, the challenges encountered so far and the results obtained;
  • We attended the fourth seminar, named "Funding" presented by Rodolfo Condessa;
Mid Presentation

Week 10

22/04/2024 - 26/04/2024
  • Development of a simple database in MySQL with the necessary requirements of our project;
  • Started the app that allows us to scan the product type and to add a new product to the database;
  • Arduino code for the movement of the mini forklift prototype and for the calculations required, mainly the amount of product being lifted;

Week 11

29/04/2024 - 03/05/2024
  • Arrival of the most of the materials requested;
  • Another meeting with the coordinator to present the progress and requested the alternative materials to the ones that didn't arrive;
  • Developed the body and all the components for the mini forklift prototype in Tinkercad in order to be printed in a 3D printer;
3D Model of the components

Week 13

13/05/2024 - 17/05/2024
  • Started preparing the poster, selecting the information we want to display about the project and its characteristics;
  • Received the materials made with a 3D printer, in collaboration with iStartLab. During the talks with
  • Through conversations with those responsible for the laboratory, we came to the conclusion that it would be more advantageous if the robot's bases were made of acrylic
3D printed materials

Week 14

20/05/2024 - 24/05/2024
  • Received the acrylic bases;
  • Started assembling the final prototype;
  • Development and implementation of the wheels and wireless controller mechanism, to move the robot;
  • Attended the last seminar, named "Storytelling" presented by Miguel Gonçalves;
  • Meeting with the coordinator to show progress and ask some final questions about the project and the demo day;

Week 15

27/05/2024 - 31/05/2024
  • Arrival of the last missing materials;
  • Prototype completely assembled and ready for all the necessary test.
  • Connection of the mobile app with the arduino to read the product codes and send them to the arduino.

Week 16

03/06/2024 - 07/06/2024
  • Control of the actuator with the wireless controller
  • Connection of the mobile app, arduino and database, to be possible to add new product throw the app and for the arduino to be able to get some data from the database
  • Implementation of the weight measurement code functionality on the actuator
  • Video, poster and final pitch deck.